Wednesday, April 20, 2016

To army or not to army?

    With a mandatory draft here in Israel, many Israelis debate whether or not they should be required to go to the army. Not like these arguments do much good, because the law still stands that every Israeli must serve in the army. Being born in Israel, I am one of those Israelis who is actually looking forward to the army. Although I live in America, I know that I want the chance to go through this experience and grow more than I can even imagine right now. 
    However, many Israelis would disagree with me tremendously. A large amount of the population believes that it should not be mandatory for them to complete army service, for one reason or another. I, on the other hand, think it's crucial. Our army is what allowed the Jewish people to maintain this homeland that we cherish so deeply. If our army was based solely off volunteers I do not believe that we would be successful in fighting all of our neighbors who don't like us so very much. Overall, I do understand people's arguments about being set behind a few years in education and pursuing careers, but I think the things one can learn from army service are irriplacable. 

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