Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Not the Usual Program...

    A few days ago, during our evening program time we participated in an activity dealing with sexual assault and advertising. We began by looking at advertisements in which they appeared to be selling provocative images, and had to guess what the actual product was. Some of these were extremely shocking and surprised us all. It was kind of sad seeing how unmoved we were by this method of advertisement. We have grown up seeing these types of things everywhere, and sadly it's become a part of our society.
    As the program went on, we shifted into a conversation about certain scenarios and whether we agree or disagree with how they happen. The more we discussed many of these things, it was obvious that the way we all say things should be isn't realistic. For example, one scenario described a  certain way that women dress as them "asking for it". Of course everyone immediately said "disagree", but as the conversation went on, we realized that it really is a common thought among many people. We also discussed the reality and shocking fact that most instances of rape are between people who know each other quite well. Although many of these topics were hard to talk about, I think this was a conversation that needed to be had. The more people who are talking about these issues and openly communicating about them, the better. Sadly, there's no way to put a stop to these horrible occurrences, but it is so very important for all people to be educated about this topic.

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